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Jimmy Wales: NY Times Should Clarify on

At 2:38, Jimbo says that he founded the New York Times!

(Okay, I'm poking fun... and Jimbo actually makes good sense regarding this bonehead move by the New York Times. As for 9,000 outbound links being in the "top 20" on Wikipedia, I have strong doubts about that. I'll bet it figures in the top 40 or 50. Is there somewhere where Wikipedians have ranked web domains by the number of their outbound links from Wikipedia?)

They are talking about this at the Village Pump.


The original reporter to crack this story is Thomas Crampton (link to story).
The slightly unsavoury aspect to this is that Wales is attempting to dictate to The Times that their database should have a static index to cope with Wikipedia's static linking, AKA how to ossify the Internet.

Eventually it might dawn on Wales that building a web reference guide that depends on the rest of the Internet remaining static for all time is not very wise - it is not simply an issue of web addressing, but also that the content is not guaranteed to remain static.

Wales should be thankful that the NYT has highlighted the fundamental flaw in the way that they have gone about building Wikipedia.
I am reminded of the several years of content generation that I expended while producing (this URL is currently blocked by Websense as a "Sex" site).

When I gave up, I saved the HTML files on my back-up hard drive, then let the domain expire.

Now, the only place where interested web searchers may find that material is via the Internet Archive.

An archival technique: Print it out on paper, then...

(a way to literally turn it into bullshit...)
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