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Daniel Brandt
The Foundation board thinks it's in control, but Jimmy has a better sense of survival. And even Jimmy is treading water at this point.

The chair of the Board doesn't get it:
Florence Devouard Anthere9 at Sun Mar 11 14:01:14 UTC 2007
maybe because it is sunday...
I was having a look at the press a few minutes ago, and I saw Essjay real name plastered everywhere, and referred to a "fake", fired from Wikipedia and fired from Wikia.
To be honest, whatever the degree of his mistake, my heart grieves for him. He did not deserve to be shamed publicly in this way. I feel very very sorry for him.

On Slashdot, Erik desperately pretends that these legal distinctions mean something:
by Eloquence (144160) on Sunday March 11, @12:19PM (#18308404) (
As an elected Board member of the Wikimedia Foundation, I can assure you that your opinion is incorrect. The Board of Directors of the Wikimedia Foundation has 7 members, of which Jimmy is one. He is the Chair Emeritus, which is a title we have given him to recognize his historic role, but which does not have any legal powers or responsibilities associated with it. The Chair of the Foundation is a nice French woman named Florence Devouard; I am the Executive Secretary.

As a tax-exempt 501c(3) non-profit organization, the Wikimedia Foundation also maintains a strict conflict of interest policy. So, Jimmy is not permitted to make any propositions which would advance the corporate interests of Wikia, and has indeed been completely excluded from discussions where his involvement in Wikia was relevant. (This, of course, also goes for any other corporate interests Board members may have.) In this way, Jimmy actually has less influence to promote Wikia as a Board member than he would have as a mere community member.

Jimmy retains some community influence specifically in the English Wikipedia, but that influence is not legally anchored. He speaks frequently to the English language press, though Florence has also done a lot of interviews lately. People seem to construct from this all kinds of bizarre conspiracy theories which have no basis in reality. This is a shame, because the WMF is truly committed to making the world a better place, and needs all the support it can get.

Meanwhile, back at the Center of World Media, all they have to do is report the facts and the pressure increases:

You are in a heap of trouble when "Just the facts, ma'm" keeps the pressure on. No Tabloid Coverage Required, thank you, the facts alone are sufficient.

Jimmy has a much better sense of how to get out in front of a bad media situation than anyone else on the board of the Foundation. The Foundation may wish that Jimmy would stick with Wikia, but the bottom line is that Wikipedia is so screwed up that they need Jimmy. The Foundation board is essentially a legal fiction at this point. They don't like Jimmy, but they need Jimmy. And even then it might be too late for Wikipedia.

Pass the popcorn.
From the Times article:
And while he said “the moral of the story is what makes for a good Wikipedian is not a good credential,” he added that it was important that the general public not think that Wikipedia is “written by a bunch of 12-year-olds.”

Jimbo has a good point. The 16-year-olds who actually write Wikipedia have far less talent than their younger counterparts! smile.gif

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th March 2007, 10:07pm) *
Jimmy has a much better sense of how to get out in front of a bad media situation than anyone else on the board of the Foundation. The Foundation may wish that Jimmy would stick with Wikia, but the bottom line is that Wikipedia is so screwed up that they need Jimmy. The Foundation board is essentially a legal fiction at this point. They don't like Jimmy, but they need Jimmy.

As far as the press is concerned, Wikipedia and the Foundation might as well be Jimmy, and vice-versa. That's the problem with the press - as you yourself have noted, Daniel, they want names and faces - they don't want to be quoting anonymous sources unless they absolutely have to, though it doesn't seem to stop many of them from citing WP in articles.

And the folks in charge haven't made the situation any better by appointing a middle-aged Frenchwoman and a 20-something German guy to be the Foundation's new leaders - I doubt that it even makes the non-English Wikipedia folks all that happy, to be honest. There are large portions of "the rest of the world" who dislike French and German people even more than they dislike Americans!

Jimbo didn't want Erik Moeller on the board at all, as I recall, but he definitely wanted Florence Devouard... still, I'm wondering if Jimbo actually did want Europeans running the Foundation for the express purpose of ensuring that the English-speaking press would continue to pay all their attention to him, rather than the new nominal leaders.

If he did, then his plan certainly seems to be working! Go, Jimbo, go!
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 12th March 2007, 4:43pm) *

And the folks in charge haven't made the situation any better by appointing a middle-aged Frenchwoman and a 20-something German guy to be the Foundation's new leaders - I doubt that it even makes the non-English Wikipedia folks all that happy, to be honest. There are large portions of "the rest of the world" who dislike French and German people even more than they dislike Americans!

Yes, all the leaders should be British, like David Gerard. laugh.gif
Nobs asked me to post this for him, so at the risk of setting a bad precedent, I'm going to go ahead and do it, except that I'm going to correct his spelling too, so that people will always wonder if it was really him. ~Somey

Daniel Brandt said (on Slashdot) that Erik desperately pretends that these legal distinctions mean something:
QUOTE(Erik "Eloquence" Moeller @ Sunday March 11, @12:19PM (#18308404))
...the Wikimedia Foundation also maintains a strict conflict of interest policy. So, Jimmy is not permitted to make any propositions which would advance the corporate ... Jimmy retains some community influence specifically in the English Wikipedia, but that influence is not legally anchored....

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ March 11 10:07pm)
...the bottom line is that Wikipedia is so screwed up that they need Jimmy. The Foundation board is essentially a legal fiction at this point. They don't like Jimmy, but they need Jimmy. And even then it might be too late for Wikipedia.

That whole Foundation thread, or "update" thread as Florence Devouard called it, is worth reading from the beginning; note here for example:
I'm terrified to raise this point in public because I know that there are people here who will scream that I'm some kind of nationalist bigot ... It is my understanding that if we have true employees in a nation that our organization will have a legal presence in that nation.

Then from yesterday, you have an interesting & lengthy policy discussion between SV & Erik, et al; SV says this at one point:
...would it discourage people from getting involved in disputes, or from taking up unpopular positions?

Now when I read this correctly, SV is concerned about volunteers not being confrontational which presumably is what they are tasked to do.
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