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Wikipedia Promotes Free Speech, Encourages "Global Conversation"
Washington File, DC - 22 minutes ago
Washington -- The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is helping transform the Internet from an English-first medium to a global repository of knowledge in a ...
Your kidding me right? What a fucking liar.

Wales calls himself an "uncompromising defender" of free speech, and has lectured throughout the world on free speech issues.

“Restrictions on the freedom of speech are always unhealthy for societies. Strong dissent, even when mistaken, is never as great a threat as suppression of the free flow of information,” he said during the webchat.

"free flow of information" is the get-out clause. What if it is not information in Wikispeak (i.e not from an acceptable source, or insufficiently NPOV)? For example, if someone edits their own biography, this is "original research" and clearly not NPOV, so there is no problem in banning it.
Jimmies interview is a gasser. Just shows how much BS he can feed even to the Gov and they believe it. They must not read about all the problems it has with "ethics" "freedom of speech" and his statement Wales calls himself an "uncompromising defender" of free speech which is so full of rubbish it smell's like rotten kitty.

“Restrictions on the freedom of speech are always unhealthy for societies. Strong dissent, even when mistaken, is never as great a threat as suppression of the free flow of information,” he said during the webchat.

I just have no idea what to call that...... Its obvious he has never seen what his admin do and allow.
QUOTE(Hushthis @ Wed 24th May 2006, 8:57pm) *

Today we see Wikipedia endorsed by the US government and by the Council on Foreign Relations. The US government does not belong in the business of endorsing media outlets. This implies that Wikipedia is an quasi-official propaganda tool of the US government.

Yup, could haunt them in the future for doing that.

Joel Leyden
QUOTE(sgrayban @ Thu 25th May 2006, 4:18am) *

QUOTE(Hushthis @ Wed 24th May 2006, 8:57pm) *

Today we see Wikipedia endorsed by the US government and by the Council on Foreign Relations. The US government does not belong in the business of endorsing media outlets. This implies that Wikipedia is an quasi-official propaganda tool of the US government.

Yup, could haunt them in the future for doing that.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the good PR of the CIA and the NSA.
Do not fault them. Their job is intel / information collection and they view Wikipedia as yet another source of food. They care not as to who gets hurt in the process and if it truly is a "free flow of information."
Based on this premise - we need to keep Wikipedia. But improve how it operates.
Jimbo Wales and Danny Wool are getting a reprieve from the US Government.
They must use their tool - Wikipedia wisely.

Stop the personal attacks. Employ professional editors.
Lastly, Jimbo do you know why am I so pisssed off at Wikipedia?

I am the proud father of three small children.
I do not need some piece of shit adm on your site (Woggly being backed by Danny Wool and others) in calling me "dangersous to her children" for my community and the global community to read.
That is clear libel and slander.

Furthmore, I am a children's rights activist.

So Jimbo - when are you taking punitive action against Woogly for making personal attacks and legal threats? As long as you ignore these points I will place all of my professional experience in public relations, public affairs, journalism and crisis communications in an effort to discredit Wikipedia. If I can do it for Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad - Wikipedia is a piece of cake.


QUOTE(Hushthis @ Thu 25th May 2006, 3:57am) *

Today we see Wikipedia endorsed by the US government and by the Council on Foreign Relations. The US government does not belong in the business of endorsing media outlets. This implies that Wikipedia is an quasi-official propaganda tool of the US government.

This shouldn't shock anyone. Wikimedia doesn't get $40,000 from the Lounsbery Foundation of Richard Lounsbery and $20,000 from the Open Society Institute of George Soros by swimming against the tide (likewise Chip Berlet AKA Cberlet and his organization, who are getting $175,000 this year from the Ford Foundation "[t]o study the college and university campus leadership and outreach programs of major national organizations and social movements and their relationship to political environment on campuses.")
Chip Berlet -- now that is a very interesting connection with WP.
QUOTE(sgrayban @ Fri 26th May 2006, 7:05am) *

Chip Berlet -- now that is a very interesting connection with WP.

And although I don't consider Berlet to be a member of the cabal -- he's not cunning enough -- he works hand-in-glove with Fred Bauder, Will Beback and SlimVirgin.
I think Chip Berlet was fired by Daniel Brandt from PIR.
Just in case anyone wants the original link:

Sorry if this is redundant.

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