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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Panel considers [b]Wikipedia's validity[/b]
RU Daily Targum
David Goodman, Wikipedia administrator, spoke about opportunities for users to get involved in Wikipedia page editing last night in Alexander Library on the College Avenue campus. Ann Matsuuchi, an instructional technology/systems librarian at ...

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Coming soon to Rutgers -- a symposium on making toast.
Comment (published):
If "extremely large" is the criterion for importance or for success, then I guess Wikipedia is to knowledge, what Wal-Mart is to merchandise, or what McDonald's is to nutrition. I think I see the pattern here -- many people enjoy these venues, but arguably none of them are actually good for you or your community. Rutgers, have you asked yourself why you need to "introduce" people to a top 10 website that has had hundreds of thousands of editors for over ten years now? What's next -- a symposium on making toast?
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