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Yahoo! News
The people behind Firefox have a dilemma: what happens when an open-source project starts to become successful?

QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Mon 21st May 2007, 1:33am) *

The people behind Firefox have a dilemma: what happens when an open-source project starts to become successful?


Whatever their dilemma the noticeable deterioration of Firefox as it has become more successful has been one of the more depressing events of the last months mad.gif
QUOTE(SqueakBox @ Sun 20th May 2007, 10:22pm) *
Whatever their dilemma the noticeable deterioration of Firefox as it has become more successful has been one of the more depressing events of the last months mad.gif

I've read that it loads slower than it used to, but is there anything else that's gotten worse about it? I only switched a few months ago, so I didn't have much exposure to earlier versions.
Yahoo! News
If the open-source software movement were an upstart political campaign, Chris Messina would be one of its community organizers -- the young volunteer who decamps to New Hampshire, knocking on doors and putting up signs.

The people behind Firefox have a dilemma: What happens when an open-source project starts to become successful?
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